I have a code to create new Resource Group, App Service(Web App) and App service plan under the existing App Service Environment. For this purpose i used Resource blocks for creating above 3 services and data block for fetching the existing App Service Environment. But when i run terraform plan I’m getting below error.
So as an alternate approach I hard coded the app_service_environment_id value so that i can directly create App Service and App Service plans under this App service Environment(hard coded one), but still i’m getting an error like below mentioned. May i know if it is an access related issue, how to check under azure portal that i can have required previleges to access/fetch the existing app service environment.
- Creation of Resource Group, App Service and App service plans are working as expected if we are not considering any App Service Environment.
- As a trail and error method to find the access issues, I’m able to create new ASE with same Client Secrets, but the creation process through terraform is taking too longer duration.