Error: The availabilityZoneIdentifier parameter is required

Hi Team,

I am trying to create an AWS FIS template for Redis AZ Interruption. I am my code is failing with error The availabilityZoneIdentifier parameter is required. Specify a valid Availability Zone name or Availability Zone ID.

Below is my code. I am not sure what is wrong with availabilityzoneidentifier

resource “aws_fis_experiment_template” “interrupt-cluster-az-power” {
description = “Interrupts power to nodes in the specified Availability Zone”
role_arn = aws_iam_role.fis_role.arn

stop_condition {
  source = "none"
action {
  action_id = "aws:elasticache:interrupt-cluster-az-power"
  name = "Interrupt-Cluster-AZ-Power"
  description = "Interrupt Cluster AZ Power"

  target {
    key = "ReplicationGroups"
    value = "redis"

  parameter {
    key   = "availabilityZoneIdentifier"
    value = "us-west-2a"

target {
  name = "redis"
  resource_type = "aws:elasticache:redis-replicationgroup"
  selection_mode = "ALL"

  resource_tag {
    key = var.interrupt_redis.key
    value = var.interrupt_redis.value