Error when running a connect sidecar_service on Nomad: "chown: changing ownership of '/dev/stdout': Operation not permitted"

I’ve set up a Nomad & Consul cluster with 2 nodes. Node1 is server and leader for Consul and Nomad, and Node2 runs the clients for both too. Nomad is running as user “root” and Consul is running as user “consul” in both nodes.

This is my job spec:

job "grafana" {
    datacenters = ["lan"]
    type        = "service"
    namespace = "monitoring"

    group "grafana" {
        count = 1

        service {
            name = "grafana"
            port = "http"
            tags = ["monitoring", "prometheus", "urlprefix-/grafana strip=/grafana"] //TODO: does not work
            check {
                name     = "Grafana HTTP alive"
                type     = "http"
                path     = "/api/health"
                interval = "5s"
                timeout  = "2s"
                check_restart {
                    limit           = 2
                    grace           = "60s"
                    ignore_warnings = false

            connect {
                sidecar_service {
                    tags = ["connect-proxy"]
                    proxy {
                        upstreams {
                             destination_name = "prometheus"
                             local_bind_port  = 4444
                        expose {
                            path {
                                path            = "/"
                                protocol        = "http"
                                local_path_port = 3000
                                listener_port   = "http"

        network {
            mode = "bridge"
            port "http" {
                static = 3000

        restart {
            attempts = 3
            delay    = "20s"
            mode     = "delay"

        task "grafana" {
            driver = "docker"

            config {
                image = "grafana/grafana-enterprise"
                ports = ["http"]
                volumes = [

When I try to run the task with this connect_block, Grafana starts correctly but for the proxy task I get the following error: