Hello everyone,
I need some help. I want to reuse same manifest to provision azurerm_application_gateway and use dynamic blocks for some parts of this resource for example for http_listener. Content of http_listener dynamic block I want to store in variables.tf it will be list/array of http_listener’s. Also I want to have ability to exclude some listeners from this list depends on which env I’m provisioning. For example I have following env variable TF_VAR_env=DEV and for DEV I want to exclude 2 of 3 listeners or exactly one of these listeners. I’m never used dynamic blocks before. I’m newbie with these stuff so I will appreciate any advices. Maybe my approach completely bad and you can advice me something better. Thanks in advance. Here example of my manifest main.tf:{
resource "azurerm_application_gateway" "test" {
dynamic "http_listener" {
for_each = var.http_listeners
content {
frontend_ip_configuration_name = http_listener.value.frontend_ip_configuration_name
frontend_port_name = http_listener.value.frontend_port_name
host_name = http_listener.value.host_name
host_names = http_listener.value.host_names
name = http_listener.value.name
protocol = http_listener.value.protocol
require_sni = http_listener.value.require_sni
ssl_certificate_name = http_listener.value.ssl_certificate_name
My variables.tf:
variable "http_listeners" {
default = [
frontend_ip_configuration_name = "value"
frontend_port_name = "value"
host_name = "value"
host_names = "value"
name = "listner_PROD"
protocol = "value"
require_sni = "value"
ssl_certificate_name = "value"
frontend_ip_configuration_name = "value"
frontend_port_name = "value"
host_name = "value"
host_names = "value"
name = "listner_TEST"
protocol = "value"
require_sni = "value"
ssl_certificate_name = "value"
frontend_ip_configuration_name = "value"
frontend_port_name = "value"
host_name = "value"
host_names = "value"
name = "listner_DEV"
protocol = "value"
require_sni = "value"
ssl_certificate_name = "value"