I’m trying to use Terraform to create a key pairs for my EC2 instances and store the private keys locally on my machine.
I seem to be having an issue when attempting to pass in the Terraform generated ssh keys into the bash script. Terraform is complaining of a “Invalid template interpolation value” when passing in the list of private keys. It looks like it is expecting a string, but that will not work with what I’m trying to do.
Any ideas on how to get around this? The code I used and the corresponding error are below:
The code I used to create the key pairs is:
#create ssh keys
resource "tls_private_key" "my-ssh-keys" {
count = 3
algorithm = "RSA"
rsa_bits = 4096
#get private keys
locals {
priv_keys = tolist(tls_private_key.my-ssh-keys[*].private_key_pem)
#create aws key pairs
resource "aws_key_pair" "my-key-pairs" {
count = var.my-instance-count
key_name = "key-pair-${count.index + 1}"
public_key = tls_private_key.my-ssh-keys[count.index].public_key_openssh
#store private keys in local directory
provisioner "local-exec" {
command = <<-EOT
declare -a keys=(${local.priv_keys})
for ssh_key in "$${!keys[@]}";
echo "$${keys[$ssh_key]}" > aws_key_pair_"$keys".pem
chmod 400 aws_key_pair_"$keys".pem
Error message:
│ Error: Invalid template interpolation value
│ on workers.tf line 27, in resource "aws_key_pair" "my-key-pairs":
│ 26: command = <<-EOT
│ 27: declare -a keys=(${local.priv_keys})
│ 28: for ssh_key in "$${!keys[@]}";
│ 29: do
│ 30: echo "$${keys[$ssh_key]}" > aws_key_pair_"$keys".pem
│ 31: chmod 400 aws_key_pair_"$keys".pem
│ 32: done
│ 33: EOT
│ ├────────────────
│ │ local.priv_keys is list of string with 3 elements
│ Cannot include the given value in a string template: string required.