Facing issue with Azure Storage account while adding container the public access is disabled but pep is enabled

Hi Team,

We are creating the Azure Storage account with container and with private endpoint has been enabled with terraform in Azure portal but we are facing issue with Azure Storage account while adding container when private endpoint has been enabled and the public access is disabled and it is giving the below Error :

containers.Client#GetProperties: Failure responding to request: StatusCode=403 – Original Error: autorest/azure: Service returned an error. Status=403 Code=“AuthorizationFailure” Message=“This request is not authorized to perform this operation.\nRequestId:89bc4528-101e-00f4-6c19-539d2b000000\nTime:2023-03-10T06:25:59.3917520Z”

Kindly assist us to resolve the issue.



I am also facing the same issue during a project with tight deadline. Any updates or workaround on this one yet?

I have the same issue. is there any workaround?

We are facing the same issue… anyone a solution for that?

Any updates on this, I am facing the same issue?