FMS and WAFv2 apply error

Hi there.

I am trying to provision an FMS policy to our one FMS admin account.
I have added the blocks below the policy to simplify the code. (using a module at this point is not as easy to test rapidly)
I am runnig into an issue when I try to apply. The error I get is:
>Creating Policy Failed: ValidationException: 1 validation error detected: Value ’ {

“type”: “WAFV2”,
“overrideAction” : {
“type”: “COUNT”
“type”: ALLOW
“overrideCustomerWebACLAssociation”: false
’ at ‘policy.securityServicePolicyData.managedServiceData’ failed to satisfy constraint: Member must satisfy regular expression pattern: .*
status code: 400, request id: xxxxxxx

This isn’t very clear from what I can find in the documentation or the source code.
Is there a more complete WAFV2 example available?

My policy code is:

>resource "aws_fms_policy" "fms-policy" {
>  name                  = "${var.env_name}-${var.service}-Policy-${var.aws_region}"
>  exclude_resource_tags = false
>  resource_tags = var.resource_tags
>  remediation_enabled   = var.remediate
>  resource_type_list    = [var.resource_type]
>  include_map {
>    account = ["account_number"]
>  }
>  security_service_policy_data {
>    type = "WAFV2"
>    managed_service_data = <<EOF
>      {
>        "type": "WAFV2",
>        "ruleGroups":
>          [{
>            "arn":"${aws_wafv2_rule_group.rulegroup_name.arn}",
>            "overrideAction" : {
>              "type": "COUNT"
>            }
>          }],
>        "defaultAction":
>        {
>          "type": ALLOW
>        },
>        "overrideCustomerWebACLAssociation": false
>      }
>  }

Some values are hard coded for now for expediancy

Any help would be amazing.

I had a similar issue. I had to wrap my managed_service_data field in jsonencode(jsondecode(...)) to get it to work for me. From other blogs I’ve seen, I think it has to do with regex not matching line breaks.

Thanks so much for taking a look.
Yea, I was so busy trying to get it to work that I didn’t see the docs had been updated.
Have a great day!