For each loops and files and how to get output values

hi, lets figure this:

we have 2 diferent modules, a module to create all network objct and othe r only to create EC2
and a general main to call all this modules:

network modules

resource “aws_vpc” “example” {
# One VPC for each element of var.vpcs
for_each = var.vpcs

each.value here is a value from var.vpcs

cidr_block = each.value.cidr_block

resource “aws_internet_gateway” “example” {
# One Internet Gateway per VPC
for_each = aws_vpc.example

each.value here is a full aws_vpc object

vpc_id =


variable “vpcs” {
type = map



output “vpc_ids” {

value = {

       for k, v in aws_vpc.example : k =>



Ec2 modules ( a very basic example only to his discusion

resource “aws_instance” “ec2instance” {

ami =  "ami-0d3c032f5934e1b41"
 instance_type = "t2.micro"

subnet_id = var.subnet_id



variable “subnet_id” {
type = string


:::next the main file

(:: )

provider “aws” {

profile = “”

region = local.regiao


variable “vpcs” {

type = map(object({

  cidr_block        = string


default = {

  "PubSub1" = {

    cidr_block        = ""


  "PubSub2" = {

    cidr_block        = ""




      module "network" {

        source = "./modulos/redes"

        vpcs = var.vpcs



      module "private_EC2" {
        source = "./modulos/ec2"
        subnet_id = "${}"

question, i would like to send like a input value a list with all vpc id sent by : /modules/network/ . but i don’t know how to do it.

terrafprm plan result

│ Error: Invalid value for module argument

│ on line 70, in module “private_EC2”:
│ 70: subnet_id = “${}”

│ The given value is not suitable for child module variable “subnet_id” defined at modulos\ec2\,1-21: string required.

So how can we handle with for each and values and after how can we get each values to bu used like input parameters, to other modules.

thanks a lot

Hi @jpor1974 ,
it would really help if you edit and reformat code in your post properly.

In regards to the question, a) the EC2 module requires subnet_id instead of an vpc_id, b) the EC2 module variable subnet_id is defined as a string, but you’re passing a different data type, c) I recommend also outputting vpc_ids of the network module within the main module to understand the data structure built.