For_each setproduct help

I need to combine the results of a variable and an output (from another module) within a module I am creating for NLB’s. The combined local would then be used in a for_each loop.

I’ve been trying to follow the setproduct example, but only get so far.

What I am trying to do:

I get the output from an EC2 module for the Instance ID:

output "ec2_details" {
  description = "ID from EC2 Resource"
  value = tomap({
    for k, i in aws_instance.this : k => {
      id                =

This is then passed into a NLB module and I want to combine it with the variable I pass to the new module:

variable "nlb_target_group" {
  type = map(object({
    nlb_target_name     = string
    nlb_target_port     = string
    nlb_target_protocol = string
    nlb_target_type     = string

The combined local (call it local.combined) would then be used in a for_each like below:

resource "aws_lb_target_group" "this" {
  for_each       = local.combined
  name            = each.value.nlb_target_name
  port               = each.value.nlb_target_port
  protocol        = each.value.nlb_target_protocol
  target_type   = each.value.nlb_target_type
  vpc_id            = var.vpc_id

resource "aws_lb_target_group_attachment" "this" {
  for_each         = local.combined
  target_group_arn = aws_lb_target_group.this[each.key].arn
  target_id        =
  port             = var.target_group_attachment_port

The local.combined would need to account for all variations, so for 2 different EC2 ids’s the local would look like:

combined = tomap({
  "group1" = {
    "nlb_target_name" = "example-nlb1"
    "nlb_target_port" = "3689"
    "nlb_target_protocol" = "TCP"
    "nlb_target_type" = "instance"
    "id" = "idxxxxxxx"
  "group2" = {
    "nlb_target_name" = "example-nlb2"
    "nlb_target_port" = "3689"
    "nlb_target_protocol" = "TCP"
    "nlb_target_type" = "instance"
    "id" = "iyyyyyyy"

Any help to producing this format would be great. Thanks