I have a question if it is possible to generate whole nomad HCL files with consul-template. Our use-case is to populate Consul with all configurations (not only ENV variables, but also resources of nomad job and other parameters). Then we want to run consul-template -template command which would generate job based on consul KV values and run this job with nomad.
I am able to generate template and run job once, but what if value in Consul tree changes? I would like to restart job or do something similar to change_mode in nomad-template stanza template Stanza - Job Specification | Nomad by HashiCorp . Do you think it is possible?
I also tried to run nomad job in consul-template exec
command: consul-template -template "job.hcl.tpl:job.hcl" -exec "nomad job run job.hcl"
. But it didn’t work, maybe I called it wrong.
Thank you!