Getting Not Authorized with generated token from Policy

Hi Team,

I’m getting Not Authorized with client-token generated from below Policy;
Secrets are present according to Environment

Allow a token to manage CMS policy

path “Secret-Keys/" {
capabilities = [“list”]
path "Secret-Keys/CMS/
” {
capabilities = [“list”, “read”]

Have you tried this?

path "Secret-Keys/CMS/*” {
  capabilities = [“list”, “read”]

Yes , I have tried the same and generated ‘client-token’ from this policy.
Still getting ‘Not Authorized’
You don’t have access to Secret-Keys/

I have also tried below policy, but only able to list but not read key-value. Have tried by token as well as username-password auth method, but still not able to read kv under SIT

path “Secret-Keys/CMS/SIT” {
capabilities = [“list”,“read”]
path “Secret-Keys/CMS/" {
capabilities = [“list”,“read”]
path "Secret-Keys/
” {
capabilities = [“list”]

Just to ensure the policy is been applied using below policy and was getting response for Secret-Keys/CMS/SIT but not able to restrict other keys
path “Secret-Keys/*” {
capabilities = [“list”, “read”]