Git upgrade created issue - vagrant ssh - terminating, 2 bad configuration options

After updating git, it was necessary to add the following lines in order to connect to one of my repository hosts (Bitbucket):
HostkeyAlgorithms +ssh-rsa
PubkeyAcceptedAlgorithms +ssh-rsa

A couple days later, after doing a vagrant up, connecting with vagrant ssh no longer works:
C:\Users\codeG/.ssh/config: terminating, 2 bad configuration options

Removing the two lines allows vagrant ssh to immediately work again:
S:\git\virtualbox\vagrant\DevOps-Master>vagrant ssh
[vagrant@localhost ~]$

In which direction should I look to fix this issue? I need the two lines to connect to the given repository, or I have to roll back to older version of git. Why does vagrant even care what options are on that .ssh/config entry for a host not related to the virtualbox VM?

If seems there is a syntax validation run when ‘vagrant ssh’ is used. Perhaps a way to bypass this check.