Had a question about GitHub auth and haven’t found much after searching the docs/forum.
This is just a curiosity thing, not urgent.
So after following the guide I’ve configured GitHub auth + set an org name, and been able to use a GitHub access token to login fine, which is great.
I see a section of the docs seem to suggest the org is required.
Are orgs truly a necessary thing here?
I’m curious if it might be possible to use my own personal account, not a GitHub org.
My Vault instance is just for learning, and while I know I can setup a free GitHub org, I’d just rather not involve orgs if at all possible.
Might there be e.g. some kind of “proxy” or “stub” config I could use in place of a real GitHub org name?
I tried entering my personal GitHub username as the org name but I got:
I also thought I might try ‘github’ as the org name, so individual users might be part of that ‘org’, but then I saw http://github.com/github already exists as an org, so that seems probably out.
Totally not a big deal, am a bit ignorant of this aspect of the GitHub API and maybe there are sound reasons this is not a thing. Am nevertheless curious if there might be a way