Go routines leaks on consul 1.8.0

Overview of the Issue

I see large amount of go-routines even after all the services are de-registered with consul. These goroutines stay about the same even after a long time of idle time. This is with consul 1.8.0

Consul info for both Client and Server

	check_monitors = 0
	check_ttls = 0
	checks = 0
	services = 0
	prerelease =
	revision = 3111cb8c
	version = 1.8.0
	acl = disabled
	known_servers = 1
	server = false
	arch = amd64
	cpu_count = 16
	goroutines = 9491
	max_procs = 16
	os = linux
	version = go1.14.4
	coordinate_resets = 0
	encrypted = false
	event_queue = 0
	event_time = 2
	failed = 0
	health_score = 0
	intent_queue = 0
	left = 0
	member_time = 3
	members = 2
	query_queue = 0
	query_time = 1

wondering if anyone else seeing this issue ?