Got an error on create private endpoint for Azure Monitor

When I run “terraform apply” through CD pipeline and try to create a resource in Azure, I got an error frequently (not 100%):

Response contains error diagnostic: diagnostic_summary=“waiting for creation of Private Endpoint “ncyd-xm427-pe-ampls-2” (Resource Group “ncyd-xm427-rg-net”): Code=“BadRequest” Message=“Call to Microsoft.Insights/privateLinkScopes failed. Error message: Mismatching RequiredMembers in Request” Details=” tf_resource_type=azurerm_private_endpoint @module=sdk.proto diagnostic_severity=ERROR tf_proto_version=5.3 tf_provider_addr=provider tf_req_id=67b1fdd2-d328-b544-14e7-243f4c8278b2 tf_rpc=ApplyResourceChange diagnostic_detail= timestamp=2023-04-14T11:32:51.879-0400

I’ve create a ticket to Microsoft and got an email:

Our PG reviewed the situation and found the following:

CDS telemetry indicates that the request sent from Terraform through ARM was incomplete/malformed so it cannot be accepted from CDS.

Fields ‘groupConnectivityInformation’ and ‘connectionDetails’ were missing some items that are expected from CDS in order to process the PUT PrivateEndpointConnectionProxy request.

The key info:

List of group members’ names on successful requests contain:

"groupMembers": [

Looking at the # of items (group members) on the list, incoming request do not match the latest/stored information on CDS. Terraform seems to be sending an incomplete JSON to CDS.

It seems some update on Azure RM provider for terraform needed.