Hashicorp/vsphere: vsphere_folder create folder and subfolders in 1 var


I try to to create a layout of vsphere folders using the vsphere_folder resource. There is a limitation: to create a subfolder, parent folder must exists, which prevents using a simple list.

For example, this code may fail because sometimes Terraform will try to create folder1/subfolder1 before folder1.

locals {
  folders = [

resource "vsphere_folder" "myfolder" {
  for_each = toset(local.folders)
  path     = each.value
  type     = "vm"

As a workaround, it is possible to use:

locals {
  top_level_folders = [
  second_level_folders = [

resource "vsphere_folder" "top_level_folder" {
  for_each = toset(local.top_level_folders)
  path     = each.value
  type     = "vm"

resource "vsphere_folder" "second_level_folder" {
  for_each = toset(local.second_level_folders)
  path     = each.value
  type     = "vm"
  depends_on = [vsphere_folder.top_level_folder]

It works but it’s not clean and not scalable (you need to add a new variable/local each time you add a new subfolder level).

Does anyone know how to provision folders and subfolders from a single list and a single resource ?