HCL in userdata.sh unable to interpret shell script variables

I have this kind of userdata.sh (plz see below) that is used to spin up an EC2 instance. However hcl file is unable to interpret shell script variable.

I intend to set tls_disable = true , but this part keeps getting skipped as hcl seems unable to interpret BOUNDARY_TLS_DISABLED this variable. Any help would be greatful ! (Also I believe while using Terraform, this kind of unexpected working would happen a lot, and am curious whether Hashicorp is trying to deal with this situation)



cat > /home/ubuntu/boundary-worker.hcl << EOF
listener "tcp" {
  address = "$BOUNDARY_PRIVATE_IP:9202"
	purpose = "proxy"
%{ if "$BOUNDARY_TLS_DISABLED" == true }
	tls_disable                       = true
%{ else }
  tls_disable   = false
  tls_cert_file = "$BOUNDARY_TLS_CERT_PATH"  
  tls_key_file  = "$BOUNDARY_TLS_KEY_PATH"
%{ endif }

	#proxy_protocol_behavior = "allow_authorized"
	#proxy_protocol_authorized_addrs = ""

worker {
  # Name attr must be unique
	public_addr = "$BOUNDARY_PUBLIC_IP"
	name = "demo-worker-$BOUNDARY_NAME_SUFFIX"
	description = "A default worker created for demonstration"
	controllers = [

%{ if "$BOUNDARY_KMS_TYPE" == "aws" }
kms "awskms" {
	purpose    = "worker-auth"
	key_id     = "global_root"
%{ else }
kms "aead" {
	purpose = "worker-auth"
	aead_type = "aes-gcm"
	key = "8fZBjCUfN0TzjEGLQldGY4+iE9AkOvCfjh7+p0GtRBQ="
	key_id = "global_worker-auth"
%{ endif }

sudo mv /home/ubuntu/boundary-worker.hcl /etc/boundary-worker.hcl

I solved this problem by removing the if / else statement from the hcl file, and using if else statement in shell command. Therefore, I had to declare 4 hcls. If there were more if - else statements, I would have tried out another way, but as there were only 2 statements, it was ok though it’s not clean.