HCL2 environment variables followup


I’m excited to use HCL2 styled configs since HCL2: allow calling env as input var default value by azr · Pull Request #10240 · hashicorp/packer · GitHub, I’m using environment variables like his in the HCL config

variable “aws_az” {
type = string
default = env(“AWZ_AZ”)

variable “aws_profile” {
type = string
default = env(“AWS_PROFILE”)

variable “aws_region” {
type = string
default = env(“AWS_REGION”)

The variables aren’t being set and used and I’m getting

Error: NoCredentialProviders: no valid providers in chain. Deprecated.
For verbose messaging see aws.Config.CredentialsChainVerboseErrors

If I hard code these three variables, it obviously works
Am I setting something/using the variables incorrectly?

Note : packer inspect returns an empty string for these variables but if I run
echo $AWS_REGION, I get the correct value, eg: ‘us-east-1’

Packer version : 1.7.0
macos : 10.13
the environment variables are set, I’m using the standard shell

And then I’m using the variables within the source block as
profile = “${var.aws_profile}”

Which returns the profile isn’t set and there aren’t no credentials

Very strange. I can’t reproduce. The following works for me:

source "null" "example" {
  communicator = "none"

variable "myvar" {
  default = env("MYVAR")

build {
  name = "mybuild"
  sources = [
  provisioner "shell-local" {
    inline = ["echo myvar is ${var.myvar}"]

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Hey, apologies I was away for a computer for two weeks, I tried this to no avail - see I don’t get anything here, do you think it has to do w my os ver?
cat tes.pkr.hcl

source "null" "example" {
communicator = "none"

variable "myvar" {
  default = env("MYVAR")

build {
  name = "mybuild"
  sources = [
  provisioner "shell-local" {
    inline = ["echo myvar is ${var.myvar}"]

echo $MYVAR
packer --version
packer build tes.pkr.hcl

mybuild.null.example: output will be in this color.
    ==> mybuild.null.example: Running local shell script: /var/folders/81/pgbj934n0kg56bv_fc8qnf2j06sxf5/T/packer-shell667017858
        mybuild.null.example: myvar is
    Build 'mybuild.null.example' finished after 42 milliseconds 3 microseconds.

==> Wait completed after 42 milliseconds 181 microseconds

==> Builds finished. The artifacts of successful builds are:
--> mybuild.null.example: Did not export anything. This is the null builder

had a colleague test this on macos 10.15.6 and it’s the same behavior for them

nevermind, this was us being silly cause we’re not used to zsh, my variables were not really “environment” variables, those weren’t being listed as a part of env, I exported them out and things are working like a charm!
muchas gracias! ( apologies for the confusion )