HCP Packer Registry support for Openstack builder

After attempting to use an HCP Registry block in an Openstack build, I got this message:

* Post-processor failed: [TRACE] failed to update Packer registry with image artifacts for "openstack.focal": setting a build to DONE with no published images is not currently supported.

It seems that HCP registry is not compatible with the Openstack builder. Is there any reason for this? Can we enable this functionality easily?

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Hi @darrick,

I’m surprised this happens tbh, out of curiosity could you share the configuration that you’re running packer on?

I’m looking at the code for both HCP and Openstack, it looks like both should work, however there are indeed some cases where the Openstack builder returns no artifact, I suspect your template might be one such case.
Are you using the skip_create_image option in your template?


I am not using skip_create_image

without the HCP block, the image gets created and added to openstack with no issues

I used the block from: https://developer.hashicorp.com/packer/tutorials/hcp-get-started/hcp-push-image-metadata

hcp_packer_registry {
    bucket_name = "learn-packer-ubuntu"
    description = <<EOT
Some nice description about the image being published to HCP Packer Registry.
    bucket_labels = {
      "owner"          = "platform-team"
      "os"             = "Ubuntu",
      "ubuntu-version" = "Focal 20.04",

    build_labels = {
      "build-time"   = timestamp()
      "build-source" = basename(path.cwd)

Hi @darrick,

With the hcp_packer_registry config you provided, that should indeed work with HCP enabled.

The message you receive is likely due to the build not producing an artifact, so I’d look into that to understand why and how that happens, and if it’s unexpected, maybe there’s a bug in the plugin or Packer.

Could you share your complete template so we can take a look at this?



Build log:

 server.openstack.focal_base: Generating grub configuration file ...
    server.openstack.focal_base: Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-5.4.0-131-generic
    server.openstack.focal_base: Found initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-5.4.0-131-generic
    server.openstack.focal_base: done
    server.openstack.focal_base: linux-image-5.4.0-131-generic set on hold.
    server.openstack.focal_base: linux-headers-5.4.0-131-generic set on hold.
    server.openstack.focal_base: linux-modules-extra-5.4.0-131-generic set on hold.
==> server.openstack.focal_base: Stopping server: 1666dba1-70c0-4407-bafd-54813b020ad2 ...
    server.openstack.focal_base: Waiting for server to stop: 1666dba1-70c0-4407-bafd-54813b020ad2 ...
==> server.openstack.focal_base: Creating the image: My Custom Image (Server)
    server.openstack.focal_base: Image: 49b1ebf2-d8ec-474b-8193-bfb706d10ada
==> server.openstack.focal_base: Waiting for image My Custom Image (Server) (image id: 49b1ebf2-d8ec-474b-8193-bfb706d10ada) to become ready...
==> server.openstack.focal_base: Terminating the source server: 1666dba1-70c0-4407-bafd-54813b020ad2 ...
==> server.openstack.focal_base: Deleting temporary keypair: packer_638118c4-6535-2af9-22bb-b9ab79162f89 ...
==> server.openstack.focal_base: Running post-processor:  (type manifest)
==> server.openstack.focal_base: Running post-processor:
Build 'server.openstack.focal_base' errored after 2 minutes 30 seconds: 1 error(s) occurred:

* Post-processor failed: [TRACE] failed to update Packer registry with image artifacts for "openstack.focal_base": setting a build to DONE with no published images is not currently supported.

==> Wait completed after 2 minutes 30 seconds

==> Some builds didn't complete successfully and had errors:
--> server.openstack.focal_base: 1 error(s) occurred:

* Post-processor failed: [TRACE] failed to update Packer registry with image artifacts for "openstack.focal_base": setting a build to DONE with no published images is not currently supported.

==> Builds finished but no artifacts were created.

It says no artifacts created, but the maniphest file shows an artifact, and the image is successfully uploaded in openstack. If I run without the HCP block, the artifact is reported as being created successfully

Here is my template:

source "openstack" "focal_base" {
  flavor                 = "Test Flavor"
  networks               = ["network_uuid"]
  security_groups        = ["sg_uuid"]
  source_image           = "image_uuid"
  ssh_ip_version         = "4"
  ssh_username           = "ubuntu"
  ssh_read_write_timeout = "5m" # Allow reboots

build {
  name = "server"

  hcp_packer_registry {
    bucket_name = "learn-packer-ubuntu"
    description = <<EOT
Some nice description about the image being published to HCP Packer Registry.
    bucket_labels = {
      "owner"          = "platform-team"
      "os"             = "Ubuntu",
      "ubuntu-version" = "Focal 20.04",
    build_labels = {
      "build-time"   = timestamp()
      "build-source" = basename(path.cwd)

  source "source.openstack.focal_base" {
    image_name = "My Custom Image (Server)"
  provisioner "file" {
    source = "upload/focal/configs"
    destination = "/tmp/"
  provisioner "shell" {
    scripts = ["server.sh"]
  post-processor "manifest" {
    output     = "${build.name}_manifest.json"

Hi @darrick,

Sorry for the long wait, after taking a closer look at the issue and the documentation again, it’s not a problem with your template or the code for Packer, but it is as you first pointed out an incompatibility for the Openstack builder.

For artifacts to be able to push data to HCP, they need to be compatible, as highlighted in the documentation: HCP Packer Support | Packer | HashiCorp Developer.

Right now, the Openstack builder does not do that, hence the incompatiblity. Sorry for not pointing this out earlier.

If supporting HCP Packer is what we want here, we need to implement that for the builder’s Artifact. To be frank, we don’t have an Openstack installation on which to test it, so it’ll be hard for us to understand the kind of data would be relevant to add to the HCP artifact, so will be testing.

Because of this, would it be possible for you to add this to the Openstack builder? We can assist as much as is needed, and we’ll of course review the code and release the plugin when it’s in a satisfactory state.

For reference, here’s the documentation for the image package that defines the expected structure: image package - github.com/hashicorp/packer-plugin-sdk/packer/registry/image - Go Packages
And for an implementation example, I find the amazon-ebsvolume easy to understand and take inspiration from: packer-plugin-amazon/artifact.go at main · hashicorp/packer-plugin-amazon · GitHub

Please let me know what your thoughts are, and what kind of help we can provide to help guide you on this track, should you wish to give a try at the implementation.

Apologies again for taking our time answering this question, hopefully we’ll reach a satisfactory conclusion for everyone on this.