Help ignoring ebs_block_device

Working to upgrade 0.11 to 0.12 and I could use some help. I have an existing set of EC2 defined in 0.11 which have several non-TF-managed EBS. Converting to 0.12 and doing a plan, I find that TF would like to remove the unmanaged EBS. I have a working ignore_changes list as of 0.11 but seems like it’s not taking hold in 0.12 for some reason.

I am guessing it may be because I do not have any ebs_block_device attribute defined in the aws_instance resource, but if so I’m not sure how to add one while not disturbing the existing EBS setup.

The lifecycle block, just for fun:
lifecycle {
ignore_changes = [

And the scary part of the plan:
- ebs_block_device {
- delete_on_termination = true -> null
- device_name = “/dev/xvdf” -> null
- encrypted = false -> null
- iops = 780 -> null
- volume_id = “vol-02adcbb2cb8edbb4b” -> null
- volume_size = 260 -> null
- volume_type = “gp2” -> null