Help to convert object into map

Hi all,

i would like to convert this input object variables

variable "my_tag" {
  type = set(object({
    namespace = string
     tag = set(object({
     name  = string
     value = string
     cost  = bool

to a map like this

variable "my_map_tag" {
  type = map(string)

so this input:

my_tag = [{namespace = "Local", tag =[{ name = "CompanyId", value = "1111", cost = false }, { name = "Level", value = "222", cost = true }]},{namespace = "Remote", tag =[{ name = "Place", value = "none", cost = false }]}]


my_map_tag = { "Local.CompanyId" = "1111", "Local.Level"="222", "Remote".Place="none"}

i’ve try to define local like this:

locals {
  my_tag    = tolist([for v in [ for namespace in var.my_tag : { for tag in namespace.tag: join(".",[namespace.namespace,]) =>  tag.value} ]: tomap(v)])

but it doesn’t work.
