How do I define a ListNestedAttribute containing an object with any arbitrary config?

I want to define a schema where there is a ListNestedAttribute, containing a list of objects. Within those objects, one property is dynamic, in the sense that it contains some form of arbitrary object. I’d use a Dynamic object but that is not supported within collections.

resp.Schema = schema.Schema {
  Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute {
    "my_list": schema.ListNestedAttributes {
      Required: true,
      NestedObject: schema.NestedAttributeObject {
        Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute {
          "config": schema.Something {

Here I want to know what Something should be, or how I otherwise require the user to supply a list of elements, where each element has a property called config and which can contain any arbitrary values. Is this possible?