I’m using Terraform to create two S3 buckets, one to contain my website and a second bucket to store logs generated by S3. My trouble is that I’m not sure how to prepare the second bucket to allow S3 to write logs into it. My declaration looks something like this:
resource "aws_s3_bucket" "website" {
bucket = "website"
acl = "private"
logging {
target_bucket = "${aws_s3_bucket.logs.id}"
target_prefix = "s3/"
resource "aws_s3_bucket" "logs" {
bucket = "logs
acl = "private"
But when I try to apply this configuration, terraform gives me a reasonable error.
1 error occurred:
- aws_s3_bucket.website: 1 error occurred:
- aws_s3_bucket.website: Error putting S3 logging: InvalidTargetBucketForLogging: You must give the log-delivery group WRITE and READ_ACP permissions to the target bucket
I found a relevant question on Stack Overflow, but the top voted answer has a comment about needing to “tighten this up” so I don’t feel comfortable copying the answer there.
Amazon has pretty good instructions for granting access to the Log Delivery Group, but of course that doesn’t really help when using Terraform.