How do you setup Nomad in local development

I have following this tutorial Local Nomad Cluster Using Vagrant - #9 by DerekStrickland from DerekStrickland comment

  • used the Vagrantfile from Nomad repo root
  • add to nomad-client config vmCfg.vm.synced_folder '~/opt/volumes', '/opt/volumes' to mount local shares

On the nomad-client01 client.hcl

log_level    = "DEBUG"
datacenter   = "dc1"
data_dir     = "/etc/nomad.d/data"
enable_debug = true

client {
  enabled = true
  server_join {
    retry_join = [""]

  host_volume "db-entrypoint" {
    path      = "/opt/volumes/db-entrypoint"
    read_only = false

  host_volume "db-conf" {
    path      = "/opt/volumes/db-conf"
    read_only = false

  host_volume "db-data" {
    path      = "/opt/volumes/db-data"
    read_only = false

  host_volume "db-log" {
    path      = "/opt/volumes/db-log"
    read_only = false

  host_volume "redis-data" {
    path      = "/opt/volumes/redis-data"
    read_only = false

plugin "docker" {
  config {
    allow_privileged = true

I have been able to start a redis job (redis.nomad)

job "redis" {
  type = "service"

  group "redis" {
    count = 1

    volume "redis-data" {
      type      = "host"
      read_only = false
      source    = "redis-data"

    task "redis-server" {
      driver = "docker"

      volume_mount {
        volume      = "redis-data"
        destination = "/data"
        read_only   = false

      config {
        image   = "redis:latest"
        ports   = ["db"]
        command = "redis-server"
        args    = ["/usr/local/etc/redis/redis.conf"]
        mount {
          type   = "bind"
          source = "local"
          target = "/usr/local/etc/redis"

      resources {
        cpu    = 500
        memory = 1024

      service {
        name = "sakura-redis-server"
        port = "db"

        provider = "nomad"

        check {
          type     = "tcp"
          interval = "10s"
          timeout  = "2s"

      template {
        data        = <<EOH
maxmemory-policy noeviction
requirepass dev
        destination = "local/redis.conf"
        # source        = "local/redis.conf.tpl"
        # destination   = "local/redis.conf"
        # change_mode   = "signal"
        # change_signal = "SIGINT"


    network {
      port "db" {
        # to     = 3306
        static = 6379

mysql or mariadb job is not working

job "mysql" {
  type = "service"

  group "mariadb-server" {
    count = 1

    volume "db-conf" {
      type      = "host"
      read_only = false
      source    = "db-conf"

    volume "db-data" {
      type      = "host"
      read_only = false
      source    = "db-data"

    volume "db-log" {
      type      = "host"
      read_only = false
      source    = "db-log"

    volume "db-entrypoint" {
      type      = "host"
      read_only = false
      source    = "db-entrypoint"

    restart {
      attempts = 10
      interval = "5m"
      delay    = "25s"
      mode     = "delay"

    # task "pre-mariadb-server" {
    #   driver = "docker"
    #   # user   = "1000:1000"

    #   volume_mount {
    #     volume      = "db-data"
    #     destination = "/var/lib/mysql"
    #     read_only   = false
    #   }

    #   volume_mount {
    #     volume      = "db-log"
    #     destination = "/var/log/mysql"
    #     read_only   = false
    #   }

    #   volume_mount {
    #     volume      = "db-conf"
    #     destination = "/etc/mysql/conf.d"
    #     read_only   = false
    #   }

    #   volume_mount {
    #     volume      = "db-entrypoint"
    #     destination = "/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d"
    #     read_only   = false
    #   }

    #   config {
    #     # image = "mysql"
    #     image = "mariadb:10.3"
    #     # fix volume permissions to use mysql uid/gid 999
    #     #  /var/log/mysql /etc/mysql/conf.d /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d
    #     command = "sh"
    #     args    = ["-c", "chown -R 999:999 /var/lib/mysql /var/log/mysql"]
    #   }

    #   # - need for fixing permissions
    #   lifecycle {
    #     hook    = "prestart"
    #     sidecar = false
    #   }

    #   resources {
    #     cpu    = 500
    #     memory = 2048
    #   }
    # }

    task "mariadb-server" {
      driver = "docker"
      user   = "mysql"

      volume_mount {
        volume      = "db-data"
        destination = "/var/lib/mysql"
        read_only   = false

      volume_mount {
        volume      = "db-log"
        destination = "/var/log/mysql"
        read_only   = false

      volume_mount {
        volume      = "db-conf"
        destination = "/etc/mysql/conf.d"
        read_only   = false

      # volume_mount {
      #   volume      = "db-entrypoint"
      #   destination = "/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d"
      #   read_only   = false
      # }

      env {
        MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD = "passw0rd"
        MYSQL_DATABASE      = "mydb"
        MYSQL_USER          = "myuser"
        MYSQL_PASSWORD      = "passw0rd"

      config {
        # image = "mysql:latest"
        image = "mariadb:10.3"
        ports = ["db"]

      resources {
        cpu    = 500
        memory = 4096

      service {
        name = "sakura-mariadb-server"
        port = "db"

        provider = "nomad"

        check {
          type     = "tcp"
          interval = "10s"
          timeout  = "2s"

    network {
      port "db" {
        # to     = 3306
        static = 3306

In nomad-client01 /opt/volumes is owned by user:vagrant(uid 1000), group:vagrant(gid 1000).

Mysql or mariadb docker images are using user/group mysql(999:999).

So far I did not find a way to solve this permission problem.