I’m trying to add multiple secrets for multiple storage accounts to the keyvault in my keyvault module and Im not sure how I can achieve this…
The secrets parts in module looks like below:
secrets = {
"key1" : { name : "sec1", value : "val1" }
"key2" : { name : "sec2", value : "val2" }
"key3" : { name : "sec3", value : "val3" }
secrets accept maps of objects and I’m trying to figure out how to insert all primary keys, SAS etc for storage containers which I have created using for_each.
I was thinking that maybe I could use code like below but not sure how I can use it in terraform:
for index, storageAccount in module.storage_accounts :
{ name = storage-acc-name, value = storageacc.name },
{ name = storage-acc-primary-key, value = storageacc.primary_access_key },
{ name = storage-acc-conn-string, value = storageacc.primary_connection_string }
this could populate entries for all my storage accounts but how to apply this in terraform?