how can I assign the value of the Data Source: aws_availability_zones in CDKTF like this example?
This is my TS code:
this.availabilityZones = new DataAwsAvailabilityZones(
{ state: 'available' }
this.subnet = new Subnet(this, `subnet${subnetIndex}`, {
cidrBlock: config.cidrBlock,
vpcId: vpcId,
mapPublicIpOnLaunch: config.mapPublicIpOnLaunch,
availabilityZone: this.availabilityZones.names[0],
tags: {
Name: `vpc_${}`,
Owner: region.user_id,
This does not work because I get this error:
Error: Found an encoded list token string in a scalar string context. Use 'Fn.element(list, 0)' (not 'list[0]') to extract elements from token lists
Can somebody please help?