We are creating Elastic Cache using terraform scripts on providing snapshotname as identifier. But with new requirement we need to create redis using snapshotarns as well. We need to modify existing code to take snapshotarns so that esixting should not break.
Can we have logic to create redis to accept the values and variable should change to snapshotname or snapshotarns depending on velue we pass. Below is code we look to modify
resource "aws_elasticache_replication_group" "primary" {
count = local.params.redis.clustered == true && var.global_replication_group_id == "NoValue" ? 1 : 0
provider = aws.workload
description = "${local.name_prefix}-elasticache master with 2 replica shards"
replication_group_id = local.name_prefix
#num_cache_clusters = lookup(local.params.redis, "num_cache_clusters", 2) #Per AWS support discussion this parameter is used when cluster mode disabled
node_type = lookup(local.params.redis, "node_type", "cache.t2.small")
port = lookup(local.params.redis, "port", 6379)
engine = lookup(local.params.redis, "engine", "redis")
engine_version = lookup(local.params.redis, "engine_version", "7.0")
parameter_group_name = aws_elasticache_parameter_group.pg.name
automatic_failover_enabled = lookup(local.params.redis, "automatic_failover_enabled", true)
subnet_group_name = aws_elasticache_subnet_group.subg.name
security_group_ids = [aws_security_group.elasticache_sg.id]
maintenance_window = lookup(local.params.redis, "maintenance_window", "wed:08:30-wed:09:30")
apply_immediately = true
replicas_per_node_group = lookup(local.params.redis, "replicas_count", 1)
num_node_groups = lookup(local.params.redis, "num_node_groups", 1) #Same shards will be applied for secondary clusters
multi_az_enabled = lookup(local.params.redis, "multi_az_enabled", false)
snapshot_name = local.params.redis.snapshot_identifier != "NoValue" ? local.params.redis.snapshot_identifier : null
dynamic "timeouts" {
iterator = timeouts
for_each = length(keys(local.params.redis.elasticache_replication_group_timeouts)) > 0 ? [local.params.redis.elasticache_replication_group_timeouts] : []
content {
create = lookup(timeouts.value, "create", null)
update = lookup(timeouts.value, "update", null)
delete = lookup(timeouts.value, "delete", null)