I’m trying to create and azurerm_private_endpoint resource. This resource has a mandatory “private_service_connection” block, and that block requires either a “private_connection_resource_id” argument or a “private_connection_resource_alias” argument, but not both. One of them is mandatory.
How do I make a terraform resource that uses some sort of if statement or conditional or dynamic or something like that to decide which argument to use based on a boolean variable? I know how to do that for values, but not for the arguments themselves and I can’t find any help on this.
This is the pseudocode for what I want:
private_service_connection {
name = “blah”
if “var.use_id” = “true”:
private_connection_resource_id = “myid”
private_connection_resource_alias = “myalias”
so the final, applied block would be one of these two possible blocks, depending on the value of var.use_id:
private_service_connection {
name = “blah”
private_connection_resource_id = “myid”
private_service_connection {
name = “blah”
private_connection_resource_alias = “myalias”