How to configure multiple azurerm providers authenticated via system-assigned managed identity using environment variables?

I want to configure two azurerm providers using environment variables

I tried this:

variable "TENANT_ID" {
  description = "Service Principal Tenant ID."

provider "azurerm" {
  subscription_id = var.SUBSCRIPTION_ID
  tenant_id       = var.TENANT_ID

  use_msi = true

  features {}

#                Tools provider

  description = "Subscription ID where Tools are located,"

variable "TOOLS_TENANT_ID" {
  description = "Service Principal Tenant ID."

provider "azurerm" {
  alias           = "tools"
  subscription_id = var.TOOLS_SUBSCRIPTION_ID
  tenant_id       = var.TOOLS_TENANT_ID

  use_msi = true

  features {}

With defined :


I checked and all values are present. However I got this error:

Error: building AzureRM Client: 1 error occurred:
│   * A Client ID must be configured when authenticating as a Service Principal using a Client Secret.
│   with provider[""],
│   on line 17, in provider "azurerm":
│   17: provider "azurerm" {
│ Error: building AzureRM Client: 1 error occurred:
│   * A Client ID must be configured when authenticating as a Service Principal using a Client Secret.
│   with provider[""].tools,
│   on line 48, in provider "azurerm":
│   48: provider "azurerm" {

And this is really strange as I clearly set use_msi.

The code was ran on Azure VM Scale set with system assigned managed identity.

I made another test and I got the same error for single provider. It looks that something wrong is with passing variable via environment variable TF_VAR_name.

I’m running code with these versions:

  • Terraform v1.0.11
  • azurerm v2.98.0

I found that one of script set ARM_ACCESS_KEY and ARM_CLIENT_SECRET and becaue of this terrafrom considered this as Service Prinicpal authentication. Once I removed that part all works fine.