How to connect to database from outside

Hello, I would like to connect with, for example DBeaver to the running PostgreSQL database in a job with network mode bridge.

What would be needed in order to be able to connect directly to this DB? I have ssh access to the client and I tried to create a ssh tunnel like ssh -L 63333: user@host but I’m getting errors about SSL, ConnectionFactoryImpl/enableSSL An error occurred while setting up the SSL connection.

I don’t know if I need to add SSL configuration to be able to connect, or that error is something else and it’s actually not reaching Postgres.

In that case, how could I get the certificates? Through nomad cli?


If you use internal network, you had 2 options:

  1. create a self signed cert and install in postgresql install using volumes, and connect with private key ssl from your desk.
  2. configure postgres to not require ssl on network

It seens more ssl problem than nomad problem perhaps

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