How to define workflow_settings in a azurerm_logic_app_workflow terrafrom code to "Any IP"

I’m working on an azurerm_logic_app_workflow module and part of this module was to flag the values for access control, triggers access options etc. that rely on the allowed_caller_ip_addresses.

Someone had an earlier post about trying to set the “trigger access option” to only other Logic Apps" and this is not an issue, as it is default if all the the allowed caller ip ranges are set to null. However, I’m trying to set it so that it shows the value “Any IP” which should be the equivalent of and I could like just set the value to this and test if it works as I have other resouces that will be triggering a set of specific logic apps, namely ADFs.

So, my question is this, is there a way to set the trigger access option to be “Any IP” via Terraform or is the only way to force it to use the Specified IP ranges and set the value to

I’ve tried Copilot and ChatGPT and gone around in circles, and it suggested setting it to null and at one point it stated that if that doesn’t work that I may have change settings in the Azure Portal directly as not all options are supported by the azurerm provider (ain’t that the truth). Anyway, if anyone has done this I’m curious how to accomplish it.

Here’s what my snippet looks like at the moment.

access_control {

dynamic "action" {
  for_each = var.ip_range_enabled ? [1] : []
  content {
    allowed_caller_ip_address_range = var.allowed_caller_ip_address_range

dynamic "content" {
  for_each = var.ip_range_enabled ? [1] : []
  content {
    allowed_caller_ip_address_range = var.allowed_caller_ip_address_range

trigger {
  allowed_caller_ip_address_range = var.ip_range_enabled ? var.allowed_caller_ip_address_range : []

  open_authentication_policy {
    name = var.policy_name

    dynamic "claim" {
      for_each = var.claim
      content {
        name  = claim.value["name"]
        value = claim.value["value"]

dynamic "workflow_management" {
  for_each = var.ip_range_enabled ? [1] : []
  content {
    allowed_caller_ip_address_range = var.allowed_caller_ip_address_range


This sets it at “Only other logic apps” with all values set to null. For reference here are the options:

Just checking to see if anyone has any suggestions on this one. I have not been able to find a solution yet. I suspect “Any IP” is just something in the Azure Portal and is equivalent to setting a CIDR range of Still haven’t found anything concrete… yet.