I created it like this
type = "csi"
id = "test-node-0"
name = "test-node-0"
capacity_min = "21474836480"
capacity_max = "21474836480"
mount_options {
fs_type = "xfs"
capability {
access_mode = "single-node-writer"
attachment_mode = "block-device"
plugin_id = "cephrbd"
secrets {
userID = "nomadAdmin"
userKey = "AQAPSo9iR2l1LRAA0NBPZNx8Lg1tccwk/0QBOA=="
parameters {
clusterID = "3dae7d80-fffd-45a3-85d4-2fd48c4a9d28"
pool = "nomad"
imageFeatures = "layering"
But when deleting, the error is reported. Please see what the problem is
# curl \
> --request DELETE \
> -H "X-Nomad-CSI-Secrets: userID="nomadAdmin",userKey="AQAPSo9iR2l1LRAA0NBPZNx8Lg1tccwk/0QBOA=="" \
> http://xxxnomad.com/v1/volume/csi/test-node-0/delete?namespace=test-es
rpc error: controller delete volume: CSI.ControllerDeleteVolume: controller plugin returned an internal error, check the plugin allocation logs for more information: rpc error: code = Internal desc = missing key field 'userKey' in secrets