How to deploy AWS managed rules into one web acl ONLY in WAFv2?

Hi guys, I’ve been stuck there for several days. Could you please advise how to figure it out?

I have two web acl: lb1 and lb2. Now I wanna add AWS managed rules to lb1 ONLY. I was trying to add another dynamic block to dynamic “rule” to constrain the web_acl name = lb1 but failed. Any advice will be much appreciated.

variable.web_acl=[{name=lb1, action=block}, {name=lb2, action=block}]
resource "aws_wafv2_web_acl" "example" {

  for_each = { for web_acl in var.web_acl : => web_acl }

  name  = "${}-web-acl"
  description = "Web ACL for ${}"
  scope = "REGIONAL"

  default_action {
    dynamic "allow" {
      for_each = each.value.action == "allow" ? [""] : []
      content {

    dynamic "block" {
      for_each = each.value.action == "block" ? [""] : []
      content {

  dynamic "rule" {
    for_each = var.aws_managed_rules

    content {
      name     =
      priority = rule.value.priority
      override_action {
        count {}
      statement {
        managed_rule_group_statement {
          name        = rule.value.managed_rule_group_statement_name
          vendor_name = rule.value.managed_rule_group_statement_vendor_name
      visibility_config {
        cloudwatch_metrics_enabled = true
        metric_name                = rule.value.metric_name
        sampled_requests_enabled   = true