How to Disable certificate check with OIDC Auth

Hi team, for testing purpose,
Is it possible to disable certificate check when configuring OIDC authentication method.

through vault write auth/oidc/config oidc_discovery_url=“xxx” oidc_client_id=“xxx” oidc_client_secret=“xxx”

I got the following message :

error checking oidc discovery URL: error creating provider with given values: Get https://xxxxx/.well-known/openid-configuration: x509: cannot validate certificate for xxxx

It not for production but for testing purpose.
Thanks a lot.

I’m having the same issue since the cert of vault itself and the one on the IDP are signed by different CAs. I am trying to find out where i have to place the trusted CAs so the connect to the IDP will accept it. Any hints on that?

Update: Nevermind, I found the parameter oidc_discovery_ca_pem