I am developing a Terraform module to automate the provisioning of EC2 instances using AWS Auto Scaling Groups (ASG) and to trigger Ansible Tower jobs for each dynamically created instance. The Ansible jobs enable compilance for the instances.
I am facing an issue where, during the Terraform plan
, I get the following error:
Error: Invalid count argument
on ../main.tf line 9, in resource "null_resource" "asg_instance_provisioning":
9: count = length(data.aws_instances.auto_scaling_instances.ids)
The "count" value depends on resource attributes that cannot be determined until apply, so Terraform cannot predict how many instances will be created.
# Current Setup:
1. ASG Configuration: I am using the aws_autoscaling_group
resource to create EC2 instances dynamically. The ASG assigns a tag with the group name to the instances.
2. Data Block to Fetch Instances: I’m using the following data
block to fetch the EC2 instance details:
data "aws_instances" "asg_instances" {
filter {
name = "tag:aws:autoscaling:groupName"
values = [aws_autoscaling_group.ec2_asg.name]
depends_on = [aws_autoscaling_group.ec2_asg]
3. Local Variables for Ansible Tower: I generate custom names for the instances:
locals {
vm_name = [for id in data.aws_instances.asg_instances.ids : lower(format("vm-%s", id))]
vm_computer_name = [for name in local.vm_name : substr(name, 0, 64)]
vm_computer_object_name = [for name in local.vm_computer_name : substr(name, 0, 15)]
4 : Null Resource for Ansible Tower Jobs: The null_resource
triggers the Ansible Tower job to register EC2 instances:
resource "null_resource" "asg_instance_provisioning" {
count = length(data.aws_instances.auto_scaling_instances.ids)
triggers = {
auth_token = var.auth_token
inventory_id = var.inventory_id
instance_ip = data.aws_instances.auto_scaling_instances.private_ips[count.index]
instance_name = lower(local.instance_names[count.index])
domain_name = lower(var.domain_name)
provisioner "local-exec" {
environment = {
AUTH_TOKEN = self.triggers.auth_token
command = "cli-tool job launch --token $AUTH_TOKEN --inventory ${self.triggers.inventory_id} --job-template=123 --extra-vars 'instance_ip=${self.triggers.instance_ip} domain=${self.triggers.domain_name} instance_name=${self.triggers.instance_name}'"
Terraform throws the error during the plan
phase because the count
value relies on attributes that aren’t available until the apply
phase. This is because there isn’t a native Terraform attribute from the ASG resource to directly get the EC2 instance IDs and private IPs at the planning stage.
How can I dynamically retrieve the EC2 instance IDs and private IPs from the Auto Scaling Group in a way that can be used during the plan
phase, allowing the null_resource
to trigger Ansible Tower jobs?
I’m looking for any workaround or alternate approach to handle this. I need to ensure that my null_resource
triggers the Ansible jobs for all the EC2 instances created by ASG without running into this issue.
Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!