I have tried using compact. Since a local variable has mulitple {} values, it does not work
returns this error
local.policymerge is tuple with 49 elements
Invalid value for "list" parameter: element 0: string required.
locals {
policymerge= flatten([
for i in local.policylist : [
for j in data.azurerm_policy_definition.example : {
name = "${i.name == j.display_name ? i.name : null}"
id = "${i.name == j.display_name ? j.id : null}"
fname = "${i.name == j.display_name ? i.fname : null}"
output "t" {
value = local.policymerge
t = [
"fname" = "xxx"
"id" = "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyDefinitions/95edb821-ddaf-4404-9732-xxxx"
"name" = "xxxr"
"fname" = "xxx"
"id" = "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyDefinitions/1a5b4dca-0b6f-4cf5-907c-xxxx"
"name" = "xxxx"
"fname" = "xxx"
"id" = "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyDefinitions/3fc4dc25-5baf-40d8-9b05-xxx"
"name" = "xxx"
"fname" = "xxx"
"id" = "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyDefinitions/febd0533-8e55-448f-b837-xxx"
"name" = "xxx"
"fname" = "xxx-IPC"
"id" = "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyDefinitions/47a1ee2f-2a2a-4576-bf2a-xxx"
"name" = "xxx"
"fname" = "xxx"
"id" = "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyDefinitions/df49d893-a74c-421d-bc95-xxxx"
"name" = "xxx"
"fname" = "xxx"
"id" = "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyDefinitions/1c6e92c9-99f0-4e55-9cf2-xxx"
"name" = "xxx"