I am trying to flatten a nested map within another nested map and then use this for a dynamic block within another dynamic block, and was wondering if this is possible?
here is some details of what i am trying to achieve
variable "gateways" { type = map(any) default = { gateway1 = { name = "gatewayname" url_paths = { upm1 = { name = "url_path_name" path_rule = { pr1 = { name = "pr_name1" paths = "path1" extra = "extra_name1" }, pr2 = { name = "pr_name2" paths = "path2" extra = "extra_name2" } } } } } }
I am then trying to flatten using the below
locals { upm = flatten([ for gw_key, gws in var.gateways : [ for urls in gws.url_paths : [ for pm_key in urls.path_rule : { gw_key = gw_key urlpathmapkey = urls.url_path_name pathmapname = pm_key.name paths = pm_key.paths name = pm_key.extra } ] ] ]) }
and then trying to use this for the double nested dynamic block
resource "azurerm_application_gateway" "network" { for_each = var.gateway name = each.value.name location = each.value.location dynamic "url_path_map" { for_each = { for u in local.upm : "${u.gw_key}.${u.urlpathmapkey}" => u } content { name = each.value.urlpathmapkey dynamic "path_rule" { for_each = { for pm in local.upm : "${pm.gw_key}.${pm.urlpathmapkey}${pm.pathmapname}${pm.paths}${pm.name}" => pm } content { name = each.value.pathmapname paths = each.value.paths backend_address_pool_name = "${each.value.name}-beap" backend_http_settings_name = "${each.value.name}-be-htst" } } } } }
Of course please bear in mind that there is a lot more details and blocks for the app gateway but for the purposes of simplifying what i am after, i have only included the bits that i cannot get working. i.e the path_rule dynamic block is a block that is nested in the url_path_map dynamic block. hoping this all makes sense