How to reference resources in the default value of a Terraform variable(type: tuple(object))?


I’m trying to deploy multiple ec2 instances. This requires a variable below.

Post my variables:

variable “configuration” {
#description = “The total configuration, List of Objects/Dictionary”
default = [
“application_name” : “GritfyApp-dev”,
“ami” : “ami-0263e4deb427da90e”,
“no_of_instances” : “2”,
“instance_type” : “t2.medium”,
“subnet_id” : “subnet-0dd2853d1445a9990”,
“vpc_security_group_ids” : [“sg-00e9778636a7aee5e”,“sg-082e93cadbd35fd8b”]
# “vpc_security_group_ids” : []
“application_name” : “ssh-dev”,
“ami” : “ami-0747bdcabd34c712a”,
“instance_type” : “t3.micro”,
“no_of_instances” : “1”
“subnet_id” : “subnet-0dd2853d1445a9990”
“vpc_security_group_ids” : [“sg-00e9778636a7aee5e”,“sg-082e93cadbd35fd8b”]
# “vpc_security_group_ids” : []
“application_name” : “OpsGrit-dev”,
“ami” : “ami-0747bdcabd34c712a”,
“instance_type” : “t3.micro”,
“no_of_instances” : “3”
“subnet_id” : “subnet-0dd2853d1445a9990”
“vpc_security_group_ids” : [“sg-00e9778636a7aee5e”,“sg-082e93cadbd35fd8b”]
# “vpc_security_group_ids” : []


Because vpc_security_group_ids is bound to the specified application_name. I can hard code it by “vpc_security_group_ids”: [“sg-00e9778636a7aee5e”, “sg-082e93cadbd35fd8b”]. But that’s obviously not elegant enough.

I tried to use local to achieve, but still failed.

Note: You didn’t use the -out option to save this plan, so Terraform can’t guarantee to take exactly these actions if
you run “terraform apply” now.
root@Will-T-PC:/mnt/c/terraform-leaning-will/Expressions/deploy-multiple-ec2-for_each-2# terraform plan

│ Error: Variables not allowed

│ on line 17, in variable “configuration”:
│ 17: “vpc_security_group_ids” : local.target_sg

│ Variables may not be used here.

That is not possible:

The default argument requires a literal value and cannot reference other objects in the configuration.