How to separate KMS with vault-transit engine in boundary enterprise ( seft-managed )?

Hi together,

Is it possible to set up a multi-hop worker setup with separate KMS using the Vault’s Transit Secret Engine in boundary enterprise?

The Documentation says:

For Multi-Hop workers, It is also possible to specify a kms block with the downstream-worker-auth purpose. If specified, this will be a separate KMS that can be used for authenticating new downstream nodes. Blocks with this purpose can be specified multiple times.

Unfortunately I have not succeeded so far and I don’t really know why.
The woker starts normally if only one KMS Block with purpose downstream-worker-auth is present.

As soon as a second or third is activated, the worker aborts and throws this error message:

The transit keys in Vault were created in advance.

Vault and controller logs do not provide any information.
I have also tested with the latest version 0.18.0. Unfortunately without success.
Here is my worker configuration:
OS: Ubuntu 20.04.
Version: boundary-enterprise=0.16.3+ent-1
Vault: 1.17.2

disable_mlock = true
listener "tcp" {
  address = ""
  purpose = "proxy"
worker {
  name                   = "boundary-ingress-worker"
  description            = "Boundary ingress worker"
events {

kms "transit" {
  purpose         = "worker-auth"
  address         = "https://vault..."
  token           = "hvs.CAESILw6..."
  disable_renewal = "false"
  key_name   = "vpc-boundary"
  mount_path = "transit/"

kms "transit" {
  purpose         = "downstream-worker-auth"
  address         = "https://vault..."
  token           = "hvs.CAESIK02hSQafH..."
  disable_renewal = "false"
  key_name   = "downstream_test1"
  mount_path = "transit/"

kms "transit" {
  purpose         = "downstream-worker-auth"
  address         = "https://vault..."
  token           = "hvs.CAESIK02Qf..."
  disable_renewal = "false"
  key_name   = "downstream_test2"
  mount_path = "transit/"

kms "transit" {
  purpose         = "downstream-worker-auth"
  address         = "https://vault..."
  token           = " hvs.CAESIK02iTVBi..."
  disable_renewal = "false"
  key_name   = "downstream_test3"
  mount_path = "transit/"

Many thanks for any support.

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