How to use AWS-PatchAsgInstance with a aws_ssm_association?

I’m trying to create an SSM association, using the AWS-PatchAsgInstance document, but I keep getting the failure/error InvalidAutomationParameters.

From my reading, this should work, but doesn’t. Any idea how to get it to work?

resource "aws_ssm_association" "patching" {
    name                                = "AWS-PatchAsgInstance"
    association_name                    = "${var.prefix}-Patch-Instance"

    automation_target_parameter_name    = "InstanceId"
    parameters = {
        AutomationAssumeRole            = aws_iam_role.instance.arn
        WaitForInstance                 = "60"
        WaitForReboot                   = "60"

    max_concurrency                     = "25%"
    max_errors                          = "50%"
    targets {
        key                             = "tag:Name"
        values                          = [var.prefix]