How to use mTLS with Nomad workload identities and Vault

I am following the tutorial on Vault - Nomad integration with workload identities. I use my own certificates and also use client certificates.

When I try to write this file with the command vault write auth/jwt-nomad/config ‘@vault-auth-method-jwt-nomad.json

  "jwks_url": "https://<my-server-url>:4646/.well-known/jwks.json",
  "jwt_supported_algs": ["RS256", "EdDSA"],
  "default_role": "nomad-workloads"

I get tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority.

That is alright because I am using custom certificates so I managed to overcome this by using jwks_ca_pem=@/path/to/my/CA.pem

so the full command I use is

vault write auth/jwt-nomad/config ‘@vault-auth-method-jwt-nomad.json’ jwks_ca_pem=@/path/to/my/CA.pem

But now I get this error on my Vault logs because of the client certificate that Vault needs in order to communicate with Nomad:

Jan 11 14:57:14 sh[943]: 2025-01-11T14:57:14.772+0200 [ERROR] auth.jwt.auth_jwt_dc7f553c: error checking jwks URL: url=my-server-url:4646/.well-known/jwks.json error=“fetching keys oidc: get keys failed Get "my-server-url:4646/.well-known/jwks.json": remote error: tls: certificate required”

How do I overcome this? I’ve searched everywhere…

I’ve managed to workaround over this by implementing a proxy with traefik that handles the communication, but now it’s plaintext because of course there isn’t a certificate (it’s managed by vault).

That is a terrible solution and I’d like you to address this.