I want to pass in a list of strings that are table names I’m going to create in a module. The table definitions will be in a file in the subfolder where the module is. So my module will look something like this:
module "parquet_tables" {
source = "./create_table"
table_names = [ "tab1", "tab2" ]
providers = {
Then in a file in the subfolder I will have definitions in locals for each table:
locals {
tab1 = {
table_name = "table 1"
table_description = ....
s3_location = "s3://....
database_name ="dbname"
. }
Then in my create_table I want to iterate through the table_names list and create each table with for_each:
resource "aws_glue_catalog_table" "tablex" {
provider = aws
for_each = toset(var.table_names)
name = local.${each.key}.table_name
database_name = local.${each.key}.database_name
This doesn’t work of course - it tells me an attribute name is required after the “local.” How can I get that string value of each table name I pass in as a table name to reference the local value of the same name?