Ignore specific ASG Tag

Hi there,

I am creating ASG resources with terraform and adding tags using the latest syntax such as

    tag {
      key                 = "external-sync"
      value               = "false"
      propagate_at_launch = true

    tag {
      key                 = "test"
      value               = "false"
      propagate_at_launch = true

I need to be able to ignore any changes to the “external-sync” tag after its initial creation as another tool is interacting with that tag in AWS.

I can’t seem to get the syntax right in my ignore block. I have tried tag["external-sync] but it throws a validation error. I’ve tried variations but no luck tag.external-sync, “tag.external-sync”, etc

“Block type “tag” is represented by a set of objects, and set elements do not have addressable keys. To find elements matching specific criteria, use a “for” expression with an “if” clause”

For loop syntax doesn’t work in an ignore_change = block

I can’t seem to find a way to make this work :slight_smile: Any pointers ,much appreciated.

I’m using the latest versions of terraform and the AWS provider.