Import ami from vmdk aws


I have a vmdk img in my aws s3 bucket.
I want to import ami from this vmdk.
I tried to create ebs snapshot from the vmdk and then create ami form this snapshot.
But when Im trying to lunch new instance it failing in status checks and i cant get any log.

I have all the relevant roles.
Also, when Im using aws cli to create ami from the same vmdk its working without any issue

resource "aws_ebs_snapshot_import" "my_snapshot" {
    disk_container {
        format = "VMDK"
        user_bucket {
            s3_bucket = "${var.bucket_name}"
            s3_key    = "${local.vmdk_name}"
    role_name  = "vmimport"

resource "aws_ami" "my_ami" {
    name                = "my_ami"
    virtualization_type = "hvm"
    depends_on          = [aws_ebs_snapshot_import.my_snapshot]
    ebs_block_device {
        device_name = "/dev/sda1"
        snapshot_id =
        volume_size = 500

The status cjeck of the ibstance I created from the ami:

Have you tried to set the root_device_name attribute? Example:


Yes, it didnt had any impact

@yiscasar Could you also share the command (including all options) you used at that time?

Also, when Im using aws cli to create ami from the same vmdk its working without any issue