I have recently upgrade from using the azuread 1.X.X provider to the azuread 2.X.X provider and am getting the following now when trying to create a new Azure AD Group.
Error: Creating group "AzureAD_DBA-Platform_Admins"
on modules\azuread-solution-aadgroup\2.0.0\modules.tf line 6, in resource "azuread_group" "aadgroup_module_resource":
6: resource "azuread_group" "aadgroup_module_resource" {
GroupsClient.BaseClient.Post(): unexpected status 403 with OData error:
Authorization_RequestDenied: Insufficient privileges to complete the
I am using a Service Principal with a Client Secret to authenticate:
terraform {
required_version = ">= 0.13.5"
required_providers {
azuread = {
source = "registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/azuread"
version = "~> 2.0.1"
provider "azuread" {
client_id = var.aad_principals[terraform.workspace]
client_secret = var.aad_passwords[terraform.workspace]
tenant_id = var.aad_tenant_ids[terraform.workspace]
version = "=2.0.1"
alias = "xyz"
I have followed the documentation here for which API Permissions in Azure AD to provide:
But have also given it additional ones as it has been failing with that error (Azure Active Directory Graph are from when using old provider)
I am also able to successfully log into the Azure CLI with this same Service Principal and create an Azure AD group that way.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
I was able to resolve my issue.
when having the “assignable_to_role” parameter set to “true”, your Service Principal needs to have Microsoft Graph RoleManagement permissions. Which makes complete sense, but I didnt see it anywhere in the documentation.
Now if only Terraform had a way to specify all the AAD Role Assignments those groups should have…
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Thank you for coming back to post your solution!
I can confirm that this indeed fixes this issue.
opened 10:56PM - 03 Nov 21 UTC
After updating to provider 2.x and trying to create a group and getting the belo… w error constantly.
GroupsClient.BaseClient.Post(): unexpected status 403 with OData error:
Authorization_RequestDenied: Insufficient privileges to complete the
I ended up stumbling across this forum entry.
Which pointed me to the below tables being out of date for the provider. I'm not sure if this is the only permission missing though.
If you try to create a group with ```assignable_to_role = true``` then the account you are using requires an additional permission (RoleManagement.ReadWrite.Directory).
## Old Table
Resource(s) | Role Name(s)
-- | --
data.azuread_application <br /> data.azuread_service_principal | Application.Read.All
data.azuread_domains | Domain.Read.All
data.azuread_group <br /> data.azuread_groups | Group.Read.All
data.azuread_user <br /> data.azuread_users | User.Read.All
azuread_application <br /> azuread_application_certificate <br /> azuread_application_password <br />azuread_service_principal <br />azuread_service_principal_certificate <br />azuread_service_principal_password | Application.ReadWrite.All
azuread_group <br /> azuread_group_member | Group.ReadWrite.All
azuread_user | User.ReadWrite.All
## New Table
Resource(s) | Role Name(s)
-- | --
data.azuread_application <br /> data.azuread_service_principal | Application.Read.All
data.azuread_domains | Domain.Read.All
data.azuread_group <br /> data.azuread_groups | Group.Read.All
data.azuread_user <br /> data.azuread_users | User.Read.All
azuread_application <br /> azuread_application_certificate <br /> azuread_application_password <br />azuread_service_principal <br />azuread_service_principal_certificate <br />azuread_service_principal_password | Application.ReadWrite.All
azuread_group <br /> azuread_group_member | Group.ReadWrite.All <br /> ```RoleManagement.ReadWrite.Directory```
azuread_user | User.ReadWrite.All
This did the trick. Was having the same issue. Added permissions to service principal and I can confirm that it worked.
cramsey86, would you mind telling me how this is done? Or, point to the documentation for this specifically? Thanks