Hi All,
My setup: consul-k8s/mesh: 1.17.x
My app health check endpoint: /api/myapp/v1/health
Every couple of minutes or so I got this error:
Readiness probe failed: HTTP probe failed with statuscode: 503
Liveness probe failed: HTTP probe failed with statuscode: 503
I am confident that my app health endpoint is working and returns status very quickly in term of milliseconds.
I was wondering what caused such a failure and if anyone has experienced the same issue & what the solution was.
I turned on Envoy debug and here is what I am seeing in the log:
[debug] envoy.router(26) [Tags: "ConnectionId":"5063","StreamId":"12730984532044615132"] cluster 'local_app' match for URL '/api/myapp/v1/health'
[debug] envoy.router(25) [Tags: "ConnectionId":"5062","StreamId":"4838852820816179654"] pool ready
[debug] envoy.router(26) [Tags: "ConnectionId":"5063","StreamId":"12730984532044615132"] router decoding headers:
':authority', '10.x.x.x:20400'
':path', '/api/myapp/v1/health'
':method', 'GET'
':scheme', 'http'
'user-agent', 'kube-probe/1.28+'
'accept', '*/*'
'x-forwarded-proto', 'http'
'x-request-id', '98b5578e-3a12-4eff-8bbc-e4759fd02e46'
'x-envoy-expected-rq-timeout-ms', '15000'
[debug] envoy.router(26) [Tags: "ConnectionId":"5063","StreamId":"12730984532044615132"] pool ready
[debug] envoy.router(26) [Tags: "ConnectionId":"5063","StreamId":"12730984532044615132"] upstream reset: reset reason: connection termination, transport failure reason:
[debug] envoy.http(26) [Tags: "ConnectionId":"5063","StreamId":"12730984532044615132"] Sending local reply with details upstream_reset_before_response_started{connection_termination}
[debug] envoy.http(26) [Tags: "ConnectionId":"5063","StreamId":"12730984532044615132"] closing connection due to connection close header
[debug] envoy.http(26) [Tags: "ConnectionId":"5063","StreamId":"12730984532044615132"] encoding headers via codec (end_stream=false):
':status', '503'
'content-length', '95'
'content-type', 'text/plain'
'date', 'Wed, 10 Jul 2024 18:22:35 GMT'
'server', 'envoy'
'connection', 'close'