Internal server error while creating postgres flexible server

working with azure cli, but fails with terraform

1. `Error: waiting for creation of the Postgresql Flexible Server "testaksk8s-del-postgres-del" (Resource Group "testaksk8s-del-postgres"): Code="InternalServerError" Message="An unexpected error occured while processing the request. Tracking ID: '4a1b5b2f-3d37-4fd3-9d36-7572b53e8287'"`
2. ` │`
3. ` │   with azurerm_postgresql_flexible_server.example,`
4. ` │   on line 15, in resource "azurerm_postgresql_flexible_server" "example":`
5. ` │   15: resource "azurerm_postgresql_flexible_server" "example" {`

The templates link: GitHub - uday-globuslive/test-postgres-templates