Dear All,
I’m facing a situation which I have no clue how to handle in a proper way.
The goal is installing OMS-Agent to a Windows VM on Azure, which the WORKSPACE_ID and WORKSPACE_KEY needs to be pulled from another resource (azurerm_log_analytics_workspace
The extension definition is declared using .tfvars.
What’s the best approach for pulling the ID and KEY from the Analytics and use them as arguments for the VM_extension?
variable "vm-extensions" {
description = "VM definitions"
type = map(object({
vm-name = string
vm-extension-name = string
vm-extension-publisher = string
vm-extension-type = string
vm-extension-type-version = string
vm-extension-settings = string
# The definition below is not permitted since we cannot have variables declared in variables files.
win-vm-params = {
"app-01-install-omsagent" = {
vm-name = "vm-test-app-01"
vm-extension-name = "OmsAgent"
vm-extension-publisher = "Microsoft.EnterpriseCloud.Monitoring"
vm-extension-type = "MicrosoftMonitoringAgent"
vm-extension-type-version = "1.0"
vm-extension-settings = <<SETTINGS
"workspaceId": "${azurerm_log_analytics_workspace.azmon_lga.workspace_id}",
"workspaceKey": "${azurerm_log_analytics_workspace.azmon_lga.primary_shared_key}"
resource "azurerm_virtual_machine_extension" "vm-extensions" {
for_each = var.vm-extensions
depends_on = []
name = "vm-extension-${local.short-app-name}-${var.short-location}-${var.environment}-${each.value.vm-name}-${each.value.vm-extension-name}"
virtual_machine_id =[each.value.vm-name].id
publisher = each.value.vm-extension-publisher
type = each.value.vm-extension-type
type_handler_version = each.value.vm-extension-type-version
settings = each.value.vm-extension-settings
tags = var.tags
Any help will be highly appreciated.