InvalidParameterException: The target group with targetGroupArn does not have associated load balancer

Unable to create ECS Service along with Application Load Balancer and associate it with Target Group using the script. Getting Error: InvalidParameterException: The target group with targetGroupArn does not have associated load balancer

terraform {

The configuration for this backend will be filled in by Terragrunt

backend “s3” {}

provider “aws” {
region = “${var.aws_region}”

data “aws_region” “current” {}

data “template_file” “log_bucket_policy” {
template = “{file("{path.module}/log-bucket-policy.json.tpl”)}"
vars = {
elb_account_id = 47998XXXXX
bucket_name = aws_s3_bucket.alb_logs_bucket.bucket

resource “aws_s3_bucket” “alb_logs_bucket” {
bucket = “compass-be-alb-logs-${var.env}”
acl = “private”

resource “aws_s3_bucket_policy” “logs_bucket_policy” {
bucket = “{}" policy = "{data.template_file.log_bucket_policy.rendered}”
resource “aws_security_group” “backend_alb_sg” {
name = “CompassBackendALBSG-{var.env}" description = "Allow HTTP from customer network" vpc_id = "{var.vpc_id}”

ingress {
    description =   "Allow HTTPS from customer network."
    from_port   =   443
    to_port     =   443
    protocol    =   "tcp"
    cidr_blocks =   var.customer_network_cidr
ingress {
    description =   "Allow HTTP from customer network."
    from_port   =   80
    to_port     =   80
    protocol    =   "tcp"
    cidr_blocks =   var.customer_network_cidr
egress {
    description =   "Allow all trafic out"
    from_port   =   1
    to_port     =   65535
    protocol    =   "tcp"
    cidr_blocks =   [""]

tags = merge({
    "Name" = "CompassBackendALBSG-${var.env}"
},   tomap(var.default_tags))

resource “aws_lb” “backend_lb” {
name = “Compass-backend-alb-{var.env}" internal = false load_balancer_type = "application" subnets = var.private_subnets security_groups = ["{}”]
enable_deletion_protection = true

access_logs {
    bucket  =   "${aws_s3_bucket.alb_logs_bucket.bucket}"
    enabled =   true

tags = var.default_tags


resource “aws_lb_target_group” “fargate_target_group” {
name = “Compass-backend-tg-{var.env}" port = var.container_port protocol = "HTTP" target_type = "ip" vpc_id = "{var.vpc_id}”

health_check {
    path        =   "/api/v"
    port        =   8080
    matcher     =   "200-299"
    interval    =   60
    timeout     =   10
    healthy_threshold   =   3
    unhealthy_threshold =   5


resource “aws_lb_listener” “compass_backend_listener_443” {
load_balancer_arn = “{aws_lb.backend_lb.arn}" port = 443 protocol = "HTTPS" ssl_policy = "ELBSecurityPolicy-2016-08" certificate_arn = "{var.backend_cert_arn}”

default_action {
    target_group_arn    =   "${aws_lb_target_group.fargate_target_group.arn}"
    type                =   "forward"


resource “aws_lb_listener” “compass_backend_listener_80” {
load_balancer_arn = “${aws_lb.backend_lb.arn}”
port = 80
protocol = “HTTP”

default_action {
    type    =   "redirect"

    redirect {
        port        =   443
        protocol    =   "HTTPS"
        status_code =   "HTTP_301"
