Oh ok… Let say, we have 2 machines. So on one machine hosting nomad both as client and server. I would add node_class tab in client stanza for logically grouping.
Thanks for sharing… I have checked this earlier but I am unable to get that how clients are connecting server through external load balancer which is specified in the block diagram.
Are they connecting through a specific Public IP which generally external load balancer expose. But major thing to know here is it possible to expose rpc services on this IP. Because all the serf/health services will flow over gRPC.
Thanks a lot for sharing… But the machine where I’m planning to run is 2 core and 4 gb ram. My use case is very small in which I have to run 1 go lang based exe on the client machines and no other software will be running in continuous mode.
Still, is it possible to run nomad, both as server and client, on the same machine which has such less resources.
You can run Nomad on less if needed but depends on many things. Given that you’re running a single node that hosts both server and client roles - indicates that you may not be using this in production environments.
Further to this - please look at job reservations around cpu and memory to ensure you your workload uses the expected amount of resources.